Product Overview
Active - $50.00 annually ($65.00 USD foreign)
- Voting rights for one
- Receives The Train Sheet and The Headlight
- 10% discount in the Museum Store (with membership card)
- Free admission and train rides (with membership card)
- May volunteer at the museum
- Eligible to join Operating or Mechanical Departments
Family - $80.00 annually ($95.00 USD foreign)
- Covers two adults and children 18 & under at same address
- Voting rights for two
- Receives two membership cards
- Receives one subscription to The Train Sheet and The Headlight
- 10% discount in the Museum Store (with membership card)
- Free admission and train rides (with membership card)
- May volunteer at the museum (some age restrictions)
- Eligible to join Operating or Mechanical Departments
Sustaining - $150.00 annually ($165.00 USD foreign)
- Voting rights for one
- Receives The Train Sheet and The Headlight
- 15% discount in the Museum Store (with membership card)
- Eight free train ride tickets for non-member friends and family
- Special recognition pin
- Free admission and train rides (with membership card)
- Priority tickets/notice on special museum events
- May volunteer at the museum
- Eligible to join Operating or Mechanical Departments
Institutional - $60.00 annually ($75.00 USD foreign)
- Special membership for other 501(c)3 or equivalent organizations (verification required)
- No voting rights
- Receives both The Train Sheet and The Headlight (1 copy each by mail)
- Free Admission to WPRM Museum with identity card from member institution
- Twenty free train ride tickets for organization members and families
- Institutional members are not eligible to volunteer